Two plates with a healthy meal on

Eating well with cancer

An introductory session that looks at the evidence for the role of diet and nutrition in cancer and recommendations for eating well with a cancer diagnosis.

Led by Kim Wilcox. Kim is the Nutrition Lead at Penny Brohn and an AfN Registered Associate Nutritionist. She has a passion for nutrition research and making evidence-based nutrition engaging and accessible for clients, focusing on simple, joyful, positive approaches towards what we eat. Following her MSc in Nutrition & Behaviour, Kim specialises in nutrition to support mental and physical wellbeing cohesively and she also works as Integrative Therapist in Nutritional Psychiatry at The Priory Hospital, and lectures in nutrition.

Suitable for those looking for an introduction to the topic, or those new to the Penny Brohn UK approach to healthy eating with cancer.

In this session, you will cover:

  • The importance of diet when living with cancer
  • Top recommendations for diet
  • Penny Brohn UK Plate & Healthy Eating Guidelines

Suggested pre-reading:

Meet the nutrition team

A picture of Kim, our nutrition lead on a pale blue background

Kim Wilcox - Nutrition Lead

MSc in Nutrition & Behaviour, mBANT, CNHC

Kim joined Penny Brohn UK in 2019. She has a passion for nutrition research and making evidence-based nutrition engaging and accessible for clients, focusing on simple, joyful, positive approaches towards what we eat. Kim specialises in nutrition to support mental and physical wellbeing cohesively and she also works as Integrative Therapist in Nutritional Psychiatry at The Priory Hospital, and lectures in nutrition.

A photo of Victoria, a white woman with curly short hair. She is holding a chicken in her lap!

Victoria Kubiak - Nutritional Therapist


Victoria is a registered nutritional therapist who has worked for Penny Brohn UK for over 20 years and also has a private practice. She has a vast knowledge of the history and health benefits of different foods and a passion for inspiring people to cook simple, nutritious and delicious meals using everyday ingredients.

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Tue May 21 2024


10:00 am - 11:15 am
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